IP Cafe - IP Research software: PatentInspiration & Patent Landscaping Reports

What to expect?
A small and friendly after-work session on Software tools for Intellectual Property research
Patent Inspiration Software is an easy, fast and powerful Patent Research tool, that makes the navigation and exploration of intellectual property more interactive and informative.
Patent Landscape Reports provide snap-shots of the patent situation of a specific technology, either within a given country or region, or globally. These types of reports are typically used as guidance in strategic research planning or technology transfer. Starting from a state-of-the-art search for the relevant technology, the search results are analyzed to answer specific questions about, for example, patterns of patenting activity. This IP café will focus in depth on these tools and how they can help you make detailed and informative reports.
Who should join?
- Technology Transfer Officers
- CTOs, CSOs, CEOs
- IPR Managers
- Patent Prosecutors
- Inventors
- Computer engineers & software developers
- R&D managers
- Business development managers
- Technology prospectors
When and where?
On March 10, 2016, in our Ghent / Latem office (add to your calendar, and subscribe by clicking here);
Refreshments are served from 16.30h. The sessions start at 17.00h, and conclude at 18.30h, after which you can engage in discussions, and network with colleagues in different fields.
Registration is free of charge, but subscription is mandatory. Kindly subscribe using the link above.