Trademark available?
A search on Google or like Internet applications may be a good indication of potential threats before adopting a new trademark. In most countries worldwide, however, trademark protection is acquired through a first-to-file system. It is therefore highly recommended to have an availability search performed prior to commencing the use of a new trademark or seeking trademark protection.
You can order a trademark availability search by logging on to our electronic platform IPRManager, and then adding a new Case “TM Search”, specifying the word mark, the classes and the country or countries within which the availability of the trademark is to be investigated. The platform returns a quote corresponding to the captioned information whereupon you may confirm your instructions and the search report is posted within the five to seven working days to the “TM Search” Case in your portfolio.
You can alternatively also request us by email ( or phone to carry out a trademark availability search by specifying the word mark, the classes and the country or countries in which the availability of the trademarks is to be investigated. We happily assist you with this process and provide you our expert advice. You can also request us to consider the search report and elaborate a considered opinion as regards the availability of the trademark.