Seminar: New tax deduction for innovation income

With the introduction of a Deduction for Innovation Income (replacing the former so called Patent Income Deduction), the government has ensured that R&D performed in Belgium continues to benefit from interesting corporate taxation breaks.
Although the revised regime has been implemented in order to be compliant with the latest OECD requirements, we observe new attractive features in the Innovation Deduction Law.
In this seminar, co-organised with KPMG, we will discuss the highlights of this new tax regime, the opportunities it offers and attention points to bear in mind. Attention will be given also to the qualifying intellectual property rights from a legal point of view. As the regime is brand new, question time is foreseen towards the end of the session, which can continue over lunch.
Especially people responsible for tax, finance and R&D within their organization may find this seminar of particular interest.
Tuesday 7 March 2017
10:00 - 13:30
Ghelamco Arena
Ottergemsesteenweg Zuid 808
9000 Ghent
IAB/IEC recognition
Erkend Vormingsoperator - Erkenningsnummer: IAB B0450/2016-01
Opérateur de formation agréé - Numéro d'agréation: IEC B0450/2016-01
Please click this link to sign up for the seminar by 10 February 2017 at the latest. Registration is free of charge.
Lunch is included and all presentations will be in English.