WORKSHOP: Octrooicel Module 2 - Digitale processen en IE-uitdagingen (Dutch)

The digital revolution creates new opportunities in the chemical and life sciences industry, but also involves new challenges and risks, particularly regarding the intellectual property protection strategy. On Tuesday May 3rd, our very own David Lesthaeghe, European and Belgian Patent Attorney, will be giving a workshop organized by Essenscia on how to patent CII inventions. During this session, he will explain the current state of software patent protection, and will elaborate on the different possibilities and pitfalls that may apply in chemistry and life sciences.
The workshop takes place at 3 Square Village, Rijvisschestraat 124 at 9052 Zwijnaarde from 13h30 to 16h30. The language in this session will be Dutch, but there's a French version as well on May 10th in Louvain-la-Neuve.
More info here.
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