EPO clarifies implementation of new European Qualifying Exam

Further to our earlier article, the European Patent Office (EPO) recently published a fully-fledged reform of the European qualifying examination for Professional Representatives (EQE) which will enter into force on 1 January 2025. In a Supplementary publication of OJ, the Regulation on the European qualifying examination REE and the Implementing provisions to the Regulation on the European qualifying examination IPREE are published.
New Foundation paper F in 2025
The new Foundation paper F will be held for the first time in 2025. Candidates can also pass the full old exam in 2025 without a pre-exam, if they have the required training period.
epi practical overview
Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi) has prepared a very interesting and practical overview to guide candidates through the tricky landscape of EQE options: https://patentepi.org/en/epi-students/qualifying-as-a-european-patent-attorney/eqe-format-change.html. The options are wide open for future EQE candidates.
To facilitate a seamless conversion for current candidates, transitional measures have been implemented as well as a roll-out date of application:
- In 2025, the new Module F will be launched, and no pre-examination will be held.
- In 2026 the present main exam papers (A, B, C and D) will be held for the last time, alongside new modules M1 and M2.
- In 2027 the fully-fledged new EQE modules will be in place.
Requirements for sitting main examination papers A, B, C or D
In 2025, papers A, B, C, D will be offered, governed by the REE of 2009 and corresponding IPREE. This means that passing the pre-examination is and remains a precondition for taking the main examination papers A, B, C, or D in 2025.
For candidates who did not pass the pre-examination, there is no opportunity to sit or re-sit the pre-examination in 2025. These candidates may sit the examination under the REE 2025 i.e., starting with the paper F in 2025, or - sit the one or more main examination papers (A, B, C, D) in 2026 since no pre-examination will be required.
Recognition of results in papers A, B, C or D from the 2025 and 2026 EQEs
It is clarified that a “PASS” result achieved in papers A, B, C, or D during 2025 and 2026 can be used for exemption from future examination papers. This option is available to all candidates who sat the EQE under the REE of 2009, regardless of the examination year.
On the website of the EPO, all further information can be found on the new EQE implementations. You can also contact us at info@dcp-ip.com in case of questions or if you would need additional information.