E-mail address required for international trademark registrations
Since February 1st, WIPO requires us to also include the e-mail address of the applicant or holder when filing an application for an International Registration or a request for recording a change in ownership of an International Registration. This e-mail address will not be made public.
While WIPO is supposed to send all its correspondence to us as appointed representatives, they will send correspondence to applicants or holders directly in case the representative is struck or in case of non-renewal of the International Registration. Due to a widespread disruption of postal services during the COVID-19 pandemic, WIPO introduced this additional e-mail address requirement to avoid loss of rights where time sensitive correspondence is not received in time, such as notifications of provisional refusals.
In view of the above and in order to comply with this requirement, please note that we may request you to indicate a dedicated (preferably generic) e-mail address to be included in an application for an International Registration or a request for recording a change in ownership of an International Registration.
If you have any questions or if you are interested in working with us, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via tmdesign@dcp-ip.com. We would be happy to help!